İçeriğe geç

İletişim Makinesi has a zero tolerance spam policy. İletişim Makinesi strictly supports permission-based marketing practices. İletişim Makinesi’s customer support actively monitors large import lists going to a large number of contact. Any customer to be using İletişim Makinesi for spam will be immediately cut-off from the use of our product and services.

What is Spam?

In the context of electronic messaging, spam refers to unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages, typically sent for a commercial purpose. By sending email to only those who have requested to receive it, you are following accepted permission-based email guidelines.

Member Agreement

Since our foundation in 2001, we have always had a zero tolerance policy to unsolicited emails. As part of the contractual Terms of Service, İletişim Makinesi’s clients agree to using İletişim Makinesi’s applications and platform only to send emails to customers and prospects that have explicitly consented (opted-in) to receive emails from them and refrain from sending unsolicited emails (Spam).
If we determine that a client is using our platform for Spam, we will terminate their service immediately. We do not buy or sell mailing lists nor endorse the use of purchased or rented mailing lists by our clients. In addition, our clients may not use misleading, false, or deceptive subject lines or “From” addresses.


1. Consent

Emails may, in principle, only be sent to recipients who have provided their consent to this 1 (Opt-In). The consent must comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Consent to receiving advertising material via email/newsletter must, in particular, be granted actively and separately. The recipient must either click/check a box or otherwise similarly declare his/her clear agreement. This declaration may not form part of any other declarations (e.g. consent to general terms and conditions of business, general data protection provisions) and may only relate to advertising.
  • If consent is not granted in writing or electronically, it requires written confirmation from the address holder. 
  • Please note that the consent of minors is only valid if:  – the minor has reached the age of 16 years, or – the legal guardians have given consent
  • The option to revoke consent at any time with future effect must be clearly and explicitly indicated at the time of obtaining consent. This must also contain information as to how consent may be revoked and with whom. The option to revoke consent may not be more complicated than the obtaining of the consent. Revoked consent must be implemented after five (5) working days at the latest. 

1.1 On an exceptions basis, emails may also be sent to customers without explicit opt-in (prior consent, point 1.)

  • Existing customer relationship (existence of an exchange contract in return for payment),
  • Direct advertising for similar proprietary products or services,
  • Information about the option to object at any time (when obtaining and with each use of the email address), without incurring any costs arising other than transmission costs at basic rates, and
  • The customer has not objected. The requirements specified for consent are in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This provision is based on the GDPR. At present, no implementation guideline can be offered. Therefore, in the event of a complaint concerning a breach of this requirement, no reprimand will ensue until clarification has occurred with the data protection authorities – in any case, at least for 12 months from the entry into force of these Admission Criteria
Email format

1.2 The contracting entity, that is the sender’s contractual partner for a business-related mail, must be clearly identifiable. In every email sent, an easily recognizable legal notice4 must be contained as full text, with this to occur no later than 12 months after the entry into force of the Admission Criteria. The legal notice must contain the following details:

  • The name and address where the sender is established; for legal entities also the legal structure, the commercial register, the association register, partnership register or the register of cooperatives, in which they are recorded and the applicable register number;
  • Contact information, at least one valid telephone number or an electronic contact form, and an email address;
  • A sales tax identification number or a business identification number, if applicable.

Further obligations to provide information in accordance with national laws are not affected.

1.3 The option to revoke permission to send emails must be indicated in every email. Unsubscribing from emails must always be possible without the recipient having to know any access data (for example, login and password).
Exceptions can be granted in individual cases if different handling is required due to certain particularities of the service offered;

1.4 The sender and the commercial nature of the message may not be obfuscated or concealed in the header and subject line of the email. An obfuscation or concealment occurs when the header and subject line have been intentionally designed such that the recipient, prior to viewing the content of the communication, receives either no information or misleading information about the actual identity of the sender or the commercial nature of the message.

1.5 When using email addresses that the sender or their customer have acquired from third parties, the sender and/or their customer are obliged, prior to carrying out advertising activities, to ensure that only those recipients are actually contacted who have granted consent under the terms of these Admission Criteria. This consent has to refer not only to mailing by a third party but also by the sender and/or their customer

1.6 Obtaining address data for third parties (for instance via co-sponsoring) must be transparent to the user. In particular, address data obtained in this way may only be used for a mailing, if, when collecting:

  •     The companies, for which the address data was generated, were transparently and individually named with details of the sector,
    The user was easily and clearly able to be aware of the list of companies and
    The number of companies and/or persons for which the address data was collected is reduced to an extent that excludes forwarding user data to a disproportionately large number of third parties and permits the user to easily grasp the significance and scope of their consent and to easily monitor the lawful handling of their data.

In the interest of clarity, it must be pointed out that the companies, for which the address data was generated, may not forward this data to third parties without the user having separately provided additional consent to this.

How İletişim Makinesi Protects You From Sending Spam

İletişim Makinesi’s digital marketing platform offers a permission-based email marketing tool that follows the strictest permission-based guidelines:

  • Verification – İletişim Makinesi automatically sends all of your new contacts an mail confirming their interest in receiving mails from you.
  • Unsubscribe – Every email generated and sent from İletişim Makinesi contains a mandatory unsubscribe link which allows your contacts to opt-out of future emails and automatically updates your contact list to avoid the chance of sending unwanted emails to visitors who have unsubscribed.
  • Identification – Your email header information is correct because it is pre-set for you by İletişim Makinesi. Your email’s “From” address is verified and already accurately identifies you as the sender.

Spam Reporting

If you believe you may have received an unsolicited email from İletişim Makinesi, please forward the email to abuse@hermesiletisim.net including full details of the “from address” or sender of the email.
Other options for reporting Spam is to use the “mark/report as spam” functionality offered by leading Webmail providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Anti-Spam Policy or need more information, please contact us by sending a message to abuse@hermesiletisim.net .